Do you want to do professional
translation of documents?
Order your translation with us!
* The total price may vary, depending on the volume of translation and the urgency of the order.
In the table of basic translation rates are given for 1 standard page, which is equal to 1,800 characters with spaces and punctuation ("standard page"). Whenever possible, the volume of the translation is determined by the original text, in other cases by the text of the translation.
The basic rate includes the cost of translation by a translator and proofreading by a literary editor. Depending on the complexity of the text and its purpose, the prime rate may be increased.
Translations of less than 1 accounting page are charged at the cost of 1 accounting page.
Standard turnaround time for a translation is 8-10 pages per day (not including the day of acceptance, the day of issue and time for additional processing).
Discount system **
Reason for discount |
Discount size |
** Discounts are not applicable to urgent orders
Extra charges
Reason for extra charge |